Monday 19 November 2018

Corporate Video Analysis Presentation

Corporate video analysis presentation

1. Different types of corporate video

Product launch/marketing
Promotion of key ideological messages and values
Internal communications
Internal training
Conference openers/show-reels
Event coverage
Idents and animated logos

2. What videos have you found? Where do they exist online?

CAE corporate video – I found most of the corporate videos on YouTube however they also might be shown on their website as that is where interested audiences might look. It might also be found on a similar career-type website where people may investigate career opportunities in manufacturing. They would be shown on YouTube because a lot of people spend most of their time on it and so it would be easy to stumble across if you were looking at similar things. Also it might be linked on another website of a similar nature as this video might have more information or the website used the video for a reference.

3. What type of video is it? / what makes it that type (codes and conventions)

The video I found is an product launch/marketing video for CAE - they are a company that produce equipment, specifically in simulation, e.g, flight, birthing, etc., and also provide training. What makes it this is the fact that it shows different clips of training centres (0.22 minutes into the video) and people using the training equipment.

4. What is it for?

The corporate video is for CAE which is a Canadian manufacturer of simulation technologies, modelling technologies and training services to airlines, aircraft manufacturers, healthcare specialists and defence customers. In the video you see different people teaching other people how to do Civil Aviation, Defence & Security or Healthcare. The video shows people using products in a range of different places and professions - these products are things like, a fake body used to practice CPR on, as well as a model of a cockpit of a plane - which is used to teach people how to properly fly a plane, it also shows people teaching others how to properly use the training equipment. This video was made so that people who have an interest in any of the shown courses can see where they can start training and also the kind of training courses they would be.

5. Who is it for?

It is for people who want to learn about Civil Aviation, Defence & Security or Healthcare, and learn about how to get into doing it. The primary audience for the products are people who want to train in a certain field or centres who hold training, for example, hospitals and flight schools. The secondary audience would be parents how think it would be a good idea for their children to do, or teachers as they can tell their students about it if any of them expressed an interest in any of the courses shown in the clip.

6. Target audience

Its target audience is anyone with an interest in things like Civil Aviation, Defence & Security or Healthcare. It is mainly targeting adults/young people as they would have the time and money to do the training but particularly education providers. The age group is likely to be more mature and for people who have an education in a certain field, for example medicine. The psychographic profile would be someone who aspires to be better as they want to better themselves and also help others.

7. Who/what is in it? How are they represented?

The people in the video are the people training/teaching, they are represented by showing small clips of the training and also by showing different statistics of their job throughout the video. People from different age groups (although all adults) and different ethic backgrounds are shown meaning that the products are for anyone regardless of their background. Multiple genders are shown and this shows that the products are aimed at different genders through representation.

8. Cinematography (shot types, angles, lighting etc.)

There are different shot types including close ups, over the shoulder shots, medium shot, and long shots. The lighting is bright and welcoming which makes the products look positive and good. This is done so that the viewers don't get bored while watching, and also it makes the whole thing look like it would be fun to try, which might interest some people. Close ups and over the shoulder shots are used so that the audience can see what it would look like without actually being there - this is also to keep the audiences attention.

9. Editing, length and pace

The editing pace is quite fast in order to make people pay attention to it, also it’s 2:10 minutes long which means that people won't lose focus as its not very long. Lots of cuts are used to go between products which are being used in different professions - this is so the audience can see the range of products better, this is also so the audience doesn't lose focus and so that the audience has information about each product equally.

10. Music and sound

The music is soft but is strong and inspirational and links in with the idea of aspiration and improvement. The reason the music is soft is so people don't get turned off by it, as they'll watch more of the video if they enjoy listening to the soft music. The reason it's inspirational is so people watching it might be encouraged to join the program.

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