Monday 24 June 2019

Career Booklet and CV

Task 1:
Make a list of the skills you would be able to take to a job now and think of three examples to support each one.

1. I am good at learning new skills
I volunteered to help The Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust where I did things like writing down information that's on certain graves, and also I learnt how to fix cracks in broken walls.
I can pick up languages quite easily, for example, it only took me around 20 days to be able to fluently know quite a few words in Dutch.
I can watch someone do something and then almost instantly know how to do it, for example, I watched a video someone made on YouTube where they carved soap into things, and when I tried it I was able to do it quite easily despite never doing it before.

2. I'm good at being a team leader/teacher
For my short film I did with my college I was the team leader and made sure that everyone had all the resources they needed and also made sure they understood what needed to be done.
While volunteering to help The Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust I helped set up a day where the general public could come and try working, and while I did that I answered questions about conservation and also explained so some people about how you go about conserving.
On two sperate occasions during school and college, I had to teach the class about Japanese and Korean language and so I had to do research and talk to the whole class about two languages I don't actually know.

3. I'm willing to help at anytime
When I was working in a group for my short film project I would often leave the work that I was currently doing in order to help one of the other members of my group.
Even if I don't know how to help do something I am willing to go out of my way to use the internet to look it up, an example of when I did this is when my mum was struggling to work out how to assemble a glue gun and so I went and looked it up so I could help.
Also when I was volunteering to help The Great Yarmouth Preservation Trust it often occurred on a Saturday and I didn't get paid but that didn't stop me from helping multiple times over the course of about 5 years.

Task 2:
Research, define and explain the following terms by relating them to yourself where necessary.

Part-time refers to how often someone does something such as a job or education. Part-time is when you only do it a few times in a week - such as a 2-day part-time job. I worked at a part-time cleaning job where I only worked from 9-3 on Saturdays.

Full-time refers to how often someone does something such as a job or education. Full-time is when you do it every day or at least Monday-Friday. I'm in full-time education at East Norfolk Sixth Form College

GCSE refers to the courses that you take in high school, for example, GCSE English. I got a C in both GCSE Maths and English.

AS, A level refers to a higher level of courses that you can take in college. I chose not to do A levels and to do BTECs instead as the courses I wanted to do weren't A level

Level 2, level 3, level 4 are the different levels of learning that you do throughout your education. Level 2 is equivalent to a GCSE, Level 3 is equivalent to an A level and Level 4 is equivalent to a foundation year at university. In my 3rd year of college, I chose to do level 2 Criminology.

Pass, Merit and Distinction in the BTEC Nationals refer to the different grades you can get at BTEC, Pass is the lowest and Distinction/Distinction* is the highest that you can get. In my 2nd year of college, I got a Merit in my Travel and Tourism course.

Vocational learning refers to when someone is learning a skill that could lead to a specific job, for example, if someone is learning how to cook they could become a chef or take on an apprenticeship. An example that relates to me is that I want to learn how to do stop motion animation and so I've been learning how to sculpture different models in clay and also have looked for jobs/apprenticeships in sculpting.

Masters degree refers to an advanced degree completed after the person has completed their bachelor's degree. A bachelor's degree is normally required to be in a related field of work.

Graduate (Undergraduate, Postgraduate) is someone who has a bachelors degree and is either working on a Masters or other additional education in that field.

Task 3:
List any 3 jobs mentioned in class or any you may have already been considering. What is the job role? What does it entail? Do you need any special training or skills? Is it freelance work or can you be a permanent member of staff?

Animators are artists that create multiple images, known as frames, which gives the illusion of movement. They often need to know how to draw well, however, some animators are in charge of making the characters move on the screen rather than designing them. Animators often need to get an education in art or graphic design.

Screenwriters are the ones who write the actual scripts for a film/TV show, they can write original ideas or get inspiration from something that already exists. A screenwriter needs to have a skill in writing and also it helps to be creative as they might need to write an original piece of work. Sometimes the screenwriter will be replaced by another person, this mainly happens in the production of TV shows.

Directors are the ones in charge of telling the cast and crew of a film/TV production what to do, they help the production all the way through. The ones who hire the director is the producers, however, directors do have agents that attempt to get them some work. Some directors also write their own scripts and want to do both scriptwriting and directing.

Task 4
Research, define and explain methods of recruitment in the creative media industries. Try to find examples, where relevant*

National Press is a professional business for journalism, it conducts programs all over the world and also uses the internet. These programs are designed specifically to help journalists increase their knowledge skills. NPF conducted 35-50 days of programming annually in 2013.

Trade Press is used to publicise important events, news and ads to people of trades - whether professional or industry - many of them are on a small scale. These magazines/newspapers solely advertise items that are for that specific trade, that allows the magazine/newspaper to get a small income from it. An example of this is Wedding Trader Magazine, this is a focus for wedding trader professionals.

The Internet is used to not only help the unemployed search for work but also allows a potential employer to advertise - or to look at a CV that has been uploaded by a potential employee. An example is Indeed.

Trade Fairs allow trades to showcase what they offer, whether building or wedding. There is a site called 10Times which shows the top 100 up and coming events, such as, The London Textile Fair.

Word of Mouth is how many people find employment, often family members or friends are employed in this manner if a job opportunity arises, often being able to get an interview or instant employment before an advert has gone out.

Internal Promotion is given to a person who has worked well and gives them a better title, which increases their respect to customers and their work colleagues

Task 6
Research, define, explain and provide examples for the following and relate them to yourself and past experiences.

Portfolio/e-portfolio is something someone makes in order to keep all of their paperwork neat and tidy so it's easy for the employer to read. A portfolio needs to have evidence of work that the person has done as well as their experiences, skills etc.

Showreel refers to an edited piece of work that shows off someone's work that they have previously done. 

A personal website is a website that shows yourself on a personal level, not a business or trade page, often through showing information such as skills what previous jobs and experiences. They are more like blogs with other pages showing different information often fun, including hobbies, work even diaries.

Task 7
Research the following presentation skills/methods and explain what you believe would be 'good practice' for each (a list of dos and don'ts would be a suggestion)

Interviewing skills: Having good skills will help you give a good impression in an interview. Learning about the position you are applying for, being confident, making sure you understand what dress code is required. Also, being honest will give a good impression.

Presentation skills: You need good presentation skills in order to confidently show off your work. Making clear points, making sure your slideshow has a font that is easy to read, also you need to talk clearly and hold yourself confidently. Furthermore, you need to make sure that your presentation is easy to watch and catches the attention of the viewer. Make sure that whatever the purpose of your presentation is clearly pointed out and not lost within the slides.

linguistic codes: Making sure not to discriminate against others for being 'different', so if you are of an ethnic minority you would seek advice if another member of staff was negative towards you or if you're in the majority you would keep personal opinions to yourself.

dress codes: The learning of and sticking to a particular dress code within a workplace is very important. One example is safety a woman cant go on to a building site wearing an office suit and high heels.

interpersonal skills: The skills we use every day within a workplace, some people have more skills than others, so become leaders of teams. Being a good communicator is very important, also being good at interaction, self-confidence, good work ethics, being a person people can depend on.

References: A reference is an excellent source of information for a future employer, they can compare with your CV and can decide firstly if your CV is truthful and going by what your reference had stated, whether you are suitable for the position they are offering.

Task 8
Research, define and explain the following terms

Training on the job & continuing professional development: Training provides up to date information on trade, for example as new guidelines come into effect. First aid is often offered, training further up the career ladder can also be an advantage and many businesses offer this, at their expense.

Self‐training: Teaching yourself a new set of skills without the aid of someone with experience, for example, a teacher or a senior member of staff.

Sources of information
Trade unions: Are in place to provide legal representation, and they can help with a large number of issues such as safety, wages and communication between employers and their employees.

Sector Skills Councils: Help employers by making sure that apprenticeships reach the standards that are required. They will help employers with training the staff and where there is a staff shortage they will help get more staff.

Careers services: They are a service that offers advice and guidance in helping people with issues they may have in deciding whether they want to work or to learn new skills. They can help with creating a CV, a plan of action and courses that may suit them in the area.

Task 9
Identify the opportunities you have had in the courses that you are currently studying for developing your functional skills

TV and Film:
English - I need to write up essays a lot of coursework.
Maths - If we have work to do as a group then we need to split the work up equally, also when there is a deadline due I need to work out how long I have left to do my work.
ICT - I often need to make a powerpoint/Prezi and work out how to present it as well as put it onto my blog.

English - For my exam I needed to write an essay in which I could get marked down for not having correct grammar or spelling.
Maths - I had to remember different statistics and dates, also I needed to remember how long it was until my exam.
ICT - I had to do research on different criminals and crimes, as well as do research for homework.

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