Thursday 19 April 2018


Why do people like K-pop?
  1. ·         Its catchy
  2. ·         The dances are good
  3. ·         They usually sing live while doing hard choreographies
  4. ·         Not all the idols are Korean, and so fans from those countries can hear them speaking their language.
  5. ·         The idols are similar ages to the fans (some idols are really young, for example NCT Dream where the eldest member was born late 1999 and the youngest was born early in 2002, and also you have idols who are quite older for example H.O.T and Seches Kies where the eldest member in both were born in 1978 and the youngest in 1980).
  6. ·         The groups have a different range of members – some have 2 (AKMU) and some have 18 (NCT) or 13 (Seventeen)
  7. ·         In the group the members sing, rap and dance. Also some of them can do more than one for example, J-Hope and Jungkook from BTS are known for being good at all 3.
  8. ·         The idols are hardworking and train from a young age – without even seeing their parents for 4 or 5 years, maybe more, and it’s not even guaranteed that they will debut.
  9. ·         Variety shows – you can watch your bias do silly things while in pyjamas, or see behind the scenes of filming a bit of the dance practise etc.
  10. ·         Dance practise videos


My favourite idea from the spider diagram is to do my documentary on why people like K-pop, rather than the entirety of K-pop because then I can interview people about K-pop rather than only having clips. 

The documentary is about why youth in Britain like K-pop, and how it’s gotten popular over the years. The format of the documentary is an expository as it’ll be explaining how K-pop has gotten increasingly popular over the last couple of years, and the genre is educational as it’ll teach the viewers about K-pop. The primary target audience is anyone who likes K-pop and the secondary audience is people who don’t know that K-pop is getting popular around the world. The aim of the documentary is to educate people on K-pop and to show them that it is quite popular and not as bad as they think it is. I will be filming inside the college during one of my clubs as that is about K-pop and so I can ask people there different questions. I will be the only person doing the documentary and so I’ll be the person filming, and so I won’t need any other crew in that sense, however I will need people to be interviewed, however I can just ask them and then film during club. All I need for the documentary in terms of equipment is a camera, tripod and a mic to pick up the talking in the interview, I can get all of this from skills at college and so it won’t be that difficult to get. I don’t have a budget for the production as it won’t cost anything due to me being able to take the equipment for free from skills.

My favourite idea from the spider diagram is to do my documentary on why people like K-pop, rather than the entirety of K-pop because then I can interview people about K-pop rather than only having clips. 

Monday 16 April 2018

TV Advert Analysis

This advert is to show what Magnums are and what different types you can get, the target audience is anyone that can eat chocolate ice cream, as all ages eat it, also its not really designed for one gender. The advert is a stand alone video as all there is to show is what the Magnums are and people eating them to draw people into it. The style of the video is serious as a couple is getting married and after they wed they share a Magnum. It doesn't really use AIDA however it does attract attention as the couple sharing the Magnum are 2 women who just got married and shared a kiss, this attracts attention as you don't really see homosexual relationships portrayed in the same way heterosexual ones are, but it sort of shows interest as the product its advertising isn't shown until right at the end and so people will be watching it wondering what the product will be, it shows desire by showing beautiful people in perfect makeup and glamorous clothing eating a magnum and so it makes the audience like them as they are acting natural as some people eat ice cream at any occasion and some people might watch it and then want a Magnum, or might watch it and wonder what its advertising, it also shows action as it makes people want to buy a Magnum as they are seeing people eat them and enjoying it, also it could make people want to get married as it shows a newly wed couple. Also it makes it so anyone watching it no matter who they are or where they're from knows that they can eat Magnums with anyone they want, as the slogan is "#pleasureisdiverse".

Mise-en-scene/Iconography –
At 0:33 into the advert it shows one of the brides walking down the aisle with her father, around them there are a lot of other people, everyone is dressed in bright colours which means that it is a happy occasion.

Lighting –
Throughout the whole advert the lighting is really bright to connote that it’s happy and has a light atmosphere, and to represent that it’s a sort of dreamy occasion.

Camera shot, movement, angle and composition –
At the start of the advert it has a close up of one of the wives putting makeup on, and then a full body shot of her in a wedding dress, this is to show that she is getting married. The angle at 0:08 is a low angle to make her look more powerful in her dress. At 0:31 the camera is purposely placed so that a pillar on the left hand side is blocking the view of the bride standing at the top of the aisle, this is so the audience doesn’t see her until 0:34.

The editing in the advert is done so the audience knows the first woman is getting married but they don’t know who she’s getting married to until 0:34. Also the editing is done so the video plays through slowly with no shots played in quick secession, this is to show that the occasion is relaxing and happy.

Sound effects/music
In the background of the advert there is light music playing, with the lyrics saying “is this love, that I’m feeling” which I feel shows that people feel as though homosexual relationships are fazes that they grow out of.


There aren’t any special effects in the video as they are just showing 2 women getting married and eating a Magnum.

TV Advert Evaluation

The brief was to make an advert, as a group we chose Simple because it seemed like the easiest to do as opposed to Magnums which was the product I chose, (we also didn't choose Magnums because we would then have to buy the ice cream and it would melt), the current target audience for Simple is adult women, and we thought that it would be easiest to keep the current audience the same as no one else really uses it (men don't really wear makeup and so they wouldn't need it and kids don't start to wear it until they're older).

I collected the feedback by creating a questionnaire and writing down the answers that people gave me, most people told me that they liked the overall video, however some of the shots could've been better as some weren't in line with the previous shot. I feel like it managed to get the main message across for the target audience as we specified exactly what it was and what it is used for, I think that the advert will have an appropriate impact on them as there isn't anything in it to cause a negative impact.

For the mise-en-scene the camera was placed in a position so that the sink could be seen clearly as well as the mirror, we edited well so that the shots lined up correctly, however one of the shots is slightly off compared to the previous shot, and the sounds was good as we had a voice over which was clear and easy to understand, and also we added other sounds to make the video look better (for example, we didn't have the water sound at the start but then we realised it didn't look right and so we added it). I think that the end video sells the product well and throughout the video it is clear on what we are selling and what it is used for.

The effectiveness of the persuasion techniques were that we stated that the simple wipes have no harsh chemicals etc and so people will be more likely to buy it if they know that it won't damage their skin, also we made it look like it was really easy to remove the makeup using them and so people will be persuaded to buy them to find out if it really is that easy. The message we were trying to sell was that Simple is used to remove makeup and that it is safe to use on your skin as there isn't anything in it which is dangerous to you, we mainly just stated in the video that it doesn't have any harsh chemicals, colours etc so people listening can clearly hear it, rather than it being written down on screen where people can miss it. Overall I think that our video fitted the purpose well and that it looked quite professional, also it does comply with advertising regulations as we didnt have any harsh language or violence, also we didn't have anyone under the age of 18 in the video.

The final product we made was quite similar to what we had originally planned, and we didn't really make any changes to the video that wasn't in the pre-production. I think that our overall video that we made was quite good and looked professional, if I were to do it again I would make sure that all of the clips fitted together smoothly in the editing, I think I did well in the acting side of the video, however I did keep messing up the shots (by laughing or getting water in my eyes), however we did get all the filming done in one lesson, so it wasn't like I made the production take too long.

TV Advert Rebranding

Single Camera Techniques Essay

This essay is about the different aspects of a single camera production and the different genres and formats within them. Camera : When ...